Welcome To SEMENAM first blog

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So this is the first post.
As the photographer of the school, i would like to share and post photos i have snap~~Snap-snap.
This blog also gives update for upcoming events in our school...

So i just want to give short intro for the school.
This school is base in Tambunan, Sabah and located at Dabata-Nambayan area up the hill.
There are about 1300 students and 100 plus teachers and staff.
Currently, Dr Yusof Jasmin is the principal and assist by his 3 devoted Senior assistant. The 1st senior assistant is En. Jenius Rantisan (senior assistant of administration curriculum ), Second senior assistant Mdm Johanna S. Disimond Abdullah( SA students affair) and third SA is En. Appolonius Jimi.
I think this is short introduction for the school.
Until then

School Photographer